Mild Cigars

If you’re a girl who wants a bit more flavor and a lot less ash in your cigar than you should definitely go for  mild cigars. Mild cigars are cheaper and therefore are a better option if you want to practice cutting and lighting your cigars, this being better than screwing up your precious Cuban. If you’re looking for some mild cigars to start with, here are a few suggestions.

Macanudo is a cigar that is made in the Dominican Republic and uses only Dominican leaves to fill it’s cigars. It’s wrapped with double fermented (a fancy word for aging twice) and U.S. Connecticut leaves that were grown completely under shade. All of these qualities make this a very popular cigar for those that want a relaxing cigar with a great amount of flavor.

Another mild cigar is the rich tasting Honduran Don Tomas cigar, this blend is filled with leaves from the best of three worlds, Dominican, Mexican, and Brazilian long leaves, and is wrapped with sun grown cameroon wrappers. These cigars are aged for four years ensuring a rich tobacco flavor. These cigars have a rich and spicy taste to it.

A more robust cigar is the Punch cigar, made in the Honduras, these cigars are filled with Dominican, Honduran, and Nicaraguan leaves. The full flavor of these cigars is something you’ll notice and relish in Honduran cigars. With notes of spiciness and a great range of flavor you’ll definitely enjoy this cigar, especially since it is not overpowering, . Punch cigars are carefully constructed and this results in a great smoke until the last puff. Robust and full flavored, a world class cigar without going too far.

Try these cigar samplers out as well.

Mild-bodied cigars. Gurkha has a celebrated reputation for crafting full-flavored mild cigars of the highest quality. They’re not all full-bodied. In fact some of the finest Gurkha cigars available are mild or barely hopping the fence into the medium-bodied realm. Each of the cigars featured in this six-pack sampler are extensively aged tobaccos and are expertly fermented to deliver a veritable treat for the senses without the added head rush. Gurkha Mild & Mellow Six-Pack includes 1 Gurkha 1887 Natural Sultan 1 Gurkha 8-Year Aged Legend Sultan 1 Gurkha Beauty Sultan 1 Gurkha Black Puro Sultan 1 Gurkha Doble Maduro Sultan 1 Gurkha Royal rigade Sultan MSRP 70. Get a full sampler of your favorite mild cigars today!

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